Infrared cabins and infrared heaters can help with back pain. Red light therapy is very effective for tension. The deep heat improves blood circulation in the tissues, supplying them with oxygen and nutrients. Blood vessels expand, and as a result, the muscles relax. For persistent tension, regular use of red light therapy is recommended, even in combination with massages.
Important! If you want to get rid of your tension permanently, you need to get to the root cause. Your body may be reacting to poor posture, which you must correct to avoid damage to your vertebrae. Your physiotherapist or trusted doctor can assist you and show you exercises.
Make sure to address the cause of your back pain! Heat is not always the best solution. For example, if you have inflammation, you should generally avoid heat. The cause could be an issue with the discs, a pinched nerve, or the vertebrae themselves.
An infrared cabin or an infrared heater can provide relief for back pain, but it should never replace a visit to the doctor or therapist.
picture: Shutterstock/Stasique
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